Individual Geology Labs

Coin Game: Scientific Method in Strategy
Individual Lab Activity
Explores scientific method by having students apply it through a competitive strategy game.
Understanding Geologic Time
Individual Lab Activity
Students calculate the percentage of geologic time different genera have been present on Earth. Also introduces geologic time periods.
Taxonomy & Phylogeny
Individual Lab Activity
Explores how scientists group different organisms and the concepts of life diversification over geologic time.
Radioactive Decay and Half Life
Individual Lab Activity
Introduction to concepts of half life, radioactivity, and radiometric dating. Students will graphically and mathematically determine rock ages.
Stratigraphic Relationships
Individual Lab Activity
Allows for application of the principles of stratigraphy through determining sequences of geologic events in a series of geologic sketches.
Sediment Characteristics
Individual Lab Activity
Fundamentals of sediment identification are discussed and applied to various worldwide sediments.
Classroom sediment collection recommended but not required for this lab activity.
Sedimentary Rock Identification
Individual Lab Activity
Characteristics sedimentary rock types and environments are discussed. Contains an index of sedimentary rocks and images. Supplements identification of unknown classroom samples.
Classroom sedimentary rock collection (not sold here) required for in person version of this lab activity.
Virtual 3D models are included for online version of this lab activity.
Invertebrate Marine Fossil Identification (Part 1 & 2)
Individual Lab Activity
Identifying characteristics of present and extant invertebrate marine organisms are discussed in detail and illustrated as images.
Classroom fossil sample collection, not sold here, required for this lab activity.
Where Were the Dinosaurs?
Individual Lab Activity
Discusses dinosaurs present in the United States during the Mesozoic. Students map where various dinosaurs remains were unearthed. Also provides an artistic break for students to sketch various dinosaur types.
Estimating Dinosaur Speed from Tracks
Individual Lab Activity
Students perform measurements and determine how fast dinosaurs were moving based on various footprints shown in scaled images.
Earth's Paleocontinents
Individual Lab Activity
Students will reconstruct Earth's paleocontinents from the Precambrian to the present. Each part of this activity provides a snapshot of what Earth liked during various points in the geologic past.
Microfossils & Paleoclimate
Individual Lab Activity
Climate in the past is mathematically determined using oxygen isotope data from foraminifera microfossils.
Geologic Profiles and Fossil Discovery in Big Bend National Park
Individual Lab Activity
Students will create a geologic profile that will be used to determine where hypothetical fossil digs should occur in Big Bend National Park.
Where Were the Prehistoric Mammals?
Individual Lab Activity
Discusses various types of mammals United States during the Cenozoic. Students map where various mammal remains were unearthed. Also provides an artistic break for students to sketch various early mammal types.
Smithsonian Institution Virtual Field Trip
Individual Lab Activity
Discusses various types of mammals United States during the Cenozoic. Students map where various mammal remains were unearthed. Also provides an artistic break for students to sketch various early mammal types.

Stream Gradient, Flow Velocity & Discharge and Flooding
Individual Lab Activity
Discusses surface water gradient and channel flow calculation and provides students the opportunity to analyze flood data and assess flood risk in their own community.
Winds & Weather Fronts

Individual Lab Activity
Discusses wind generation via pressure, wind systems and the jet stream, different weather fronts and associated precipitation, and how to record and interpret weather observation data symbols.